The Masterful Practice Challenge

In this episode, Marc Gelfo from Modacity and Dr. Renée-Paule Gauthier from Mind Over Finger discuss elements of masterful instrumental practice and are excited to announce the Masterful Practice Challenge.

Learn skills & approaches that will forever elevate the quality of your learning.

Join us May 2-8, 2021 for this rare opportunity that includes live Q&A!

Over the course of 7 days, starting May 2nd, Marc and Renée will take you along on a journey to masterful practice. 

During that week, we will cover:


To practice well, you must simultaneously manage your time well, and live in the timeless present. 

Day 1 you will get set up in Modacity app to take advantage of its time budgeting, tracking, & planning features.

We will also cover important strategies like interleaving and timeboxing.

In right relationship with time, anything becomes possible.


By taking the time to set your intention, you bring awareness and direction to your practice.

“Priming” is a key technique for getting what you most desire from your practice sessions.

Learn the best principles for intention setting and “flexible rigor”.


The quality of your life is determined by the focus of your attention.

On Day 3 you’ll receive a very special guided meditation download that will build your attentional capacity.

In addition, we’ll go through the various focus points that are most constructive in the practice room, and talk about how misguided attention can derail you.


The body is your primary instrument.

Learn how to warm up and align your body for optimal practice results.

Physiology influences mindset, emotions, ability to focus, and so much more.

Get an overview the most effective movement modalities for music practice, and explore the role of tension in performance.


Your emotions can elevate you to greatness or completely destroy your day.

Begin to master the emotional aspect of practicing.

Challenging, strange, complex emotions can arise during practicing. Learn how to identify and regulate yourself so that a wave of frustration becomes an inspiration for change.

This day will cover the roles of reward & punishment, as well as our favorite tools for emotional awareness and mastery.

  1. Impact/Output Mastery

Your music practice impacts your body, mind, emotions, and life trajectory.

Explore the inputs, outputs, and holistic impact of your music practice. This day will help you connect to a bigger picture for the role of music in your life and relationships.

Specific journaling prompts and exercises from permaculture design will help you identify regenerative, energy positive ways to make the most of your practice.


No matter what you’re learning, maximize your chances of remembering it and making it your own through a conscious integration practice.

This final day offers the key to compounding lifelong learning: effective integration.

We’ll discuss the role of reflection, planning, and testing.

A final live Q&A session on Zoom will offer the chance to make sure you walk away from this challenge equipped to continue your path of practice mastery.

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