Big trees, buff dudes, and your dreams

What do big trees, your dreams, and buff dudes have in common?

Yesterday at the gym, I was happily bench pressing my own weight (~150lbs), when I glanced over at the guy next to me...

He wasn't much bigger than me.

But a quick calculation of the weight plates... he was benching more than 250 pounds. And making it look startlingly easy.

Then he came up to me, and asked me how I had gotten so ripped.

Haha, just kidding! He asked me to spot him.

😱And then put on some more weight plates.

When he finished 5 reps of 295lbs without any assistance from me, I felt inspired to ask:

"How long did it take you to lift this much?"

6 years. ("But I take a couple months off every now and then", he clarified)

I've been lifting weights on and off for 20 years.

What's the difference?


Showing up week after week, with a PROGRESSION in mind, a DIRECTION, is key.

🌲🌲This is the wood element in Chinese medicine, it is growth and persistence.

💪💪 It's what our gym friend needed to bench 290lbs.

🌈🌈 And it's what you need to achieve your dreams.

It usually takes years.

There's that quote "we usually overestimate what we can achieve in 1 year, and underestimate what we can achieve in 3".

There's also the quote:

"A journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step."

So what is it for you?

Consider sectors of life: financial, spiritual, creative, health, relationships, etc.

💥 If you could show up consistently and make outrageous progress on something, what would it be?

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