TEM150: How to 10x your progress and moving on quickly from your bad ideas - A conversation with Modacity's Marc Gelfo
Marc Gelfo is the CEO and co-founder of Modacity,
I can't believe we made it to 150 episodes together! Thank you to each and every one of you for listening and for giving TEM your attention. I wouldn't have made it past the 10th episode without you!
Next stop: 200!
What You'll Learn:
- How Marc used his experiences with cognitive science to approach practicing his horn more efficiently
- The need for an embouchure change after Marc was already making a living as a professional horn player that inspired him to create software to help himself and others practice more efficiently
- How different his first idea in this space was compared to what Modacity is today
- The startup accelerator he joined in Silicon Valley that really forced him to question whether his ideas were viable business ideas
- Why you need to kill your bad ideas as fast as you possibly can (and how to go about starting that process if you're not good at it)
- The difference between visionaries and integrators and why those two types of people work so well together (and why partnering with someone is frequently a better idea than trying to change your type)
- How any musician can up their progress up to 10x
- The two different kinds of expectations and the four reactions we can have to them (really good stuff!)
- How Marc discovered the importance of team as he developed Modacity
- Why bringing on advisers as teammates can compliment your weaknesses (and how to pitch them)
- How he achieves balance in his life (this was a different answer than I’ve ever heard to this question)
- Where Marc sees software for musicians going in the future